Working Alone Sucks!
Let’s be honest. We aren’t always as productive as we should be and we allow silly things to distract us. It’s just human behavior. Personal discipline only gets us so far!
As an owner of 2 micro businesses with only one employee, I know all too well how easy it is to let myself off the hook, push tasks to another day, only to find myself at the of the week wondering what I’ve actually completed.
Here’s what I’ve noticed about the “getting stuff done” work style. This is from personal experience, reading about successful business leaders, and from watching firsthand the productivity of group working at Ensemble. When I sit in the same room as someone else who is also working, head down and really focused on a project, I feel more motivated to do the same. When I sit at the same work table or at the adjacent desk, I feel even more motivated. It’s an energy and accountability thing. Seriously. The positive energy is contagious and makes me want to get work done even more. The accountability comes in when I see someone working hard, not playing on their phone or Facebook, then I feel like I should be doing the same. I don’t want to be the one goofing off.
Getting stuff done in a group can be even more effective. When four or more people come around a table with the sole focus of finishing a project, it happens. By working in groups for a specific amount of time, people are energized and motivated to keep their head down and finish up tasks.

Be More Productive at the Monthly Work Sprint
To help you be more productive, Ensemble is now hosting a monthly Work Sprint, with more to launch in March. A Work Sprint is a highly effective way to focus, get a lot of work done, and actually enjoy it. While you can do a Work Sprint all by yourself, you’re much better off with at least two to three other people working along with you to keep you focused and on task. In this group work concept you will be surrounded by other professionals who are also working hard to accomplish a task. Work Sprint Bonus: connect with like-minded business people that need know you and what you do.
How does it work? Over 3 hours, you will experience 3 work sprints along with breaks to stretch, grab a snack and refresh. Everyone in attendance introduces themselves and shares a project or task they are working on. Then it’s all about heads down and getting it done. At the end, you’re invited to share your accomplishment and experience.
Work Sprints are held monthly on the 1st Wednesday from 1:30 - 4:30 to help you kickoff your month in a powerful way.
ONLY 20 seats! | Members: FREE | Guests: $10
Fee includes facilitation, snacks, water and connections and...
Guests who register to attend a Work Sprint have ALL day access to work in open coworking for FREE!! That's right...a FREE DAY PASS!
So now that you see the value in a Work Sprint, make sure you prepare properly and get your seat for one of our upcoming Work Sprints. Ensemble's Eventbrite page.
How to prepare for a Work Sprint:
Choose 2 – 3 specific projects or tasks that need to get accomplished.
Social Media scheduling
Website updating
Bring all the necessary items to work on the task(s).
Paper files, if needed
Pen, notebook, etc.
Other things to bring:
Business cards
Water bottle, if preferred (we have infused water)
Snack of your choice (we will provide a few small snacks)
A great attitude
Tasks to NOT do during a Work Sprint:
Phone calls
Any type of meeting
Arts and crafts or building something
Ensemble is a collaborative business community and coworking space located just minutes from downtown Ft. Worth in the eclectic Near Southside. We offer busy entrepreneurs, small businesses and remote workers a warm and welcoming place to be productive.